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    As soon as someone is told that content is a key ranking factor for search engines such as Google, almost always the first question asked is ‘how much content do I need on my site?’. While it is good to have resourceful pages with a good amount of content, unless that text is useful and original, you won’t be getting very far up those search results, never mind finding your way onto page one.

    A common misconception surrounding Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is that all you have to do to rank on Google is to stuff keywords in a block of text and, before you know it, you’re ranking number one. While such methods may have gotten you some measure of success 10 years ago, in the present day that simply isn’t the case. Putting it simply, you can’t have content for content’s sake.

    How Should I Measure My Content?

    The best way to measure your content isn’t always by word count, but by the number of points covered in it. For example, if you are writing a piece of content to serve a particular purpose, you should first take the time to review other similar pages that are ranking on search engines.

    This is good practice as not only will this give you a good idea as to how long your text should be, but also the kinds of things that people asking the question you are trying to answer are looking for. As we know, the search engine will place what it deems to be the best, and most relevant, answer at the top of the pile which is where you want to be.

    Look at the top 5 to 10 results and list all the points covered on each page. If not one of those pages has covered all of the key points you have identified in their content, including the top-ranking page, then the objective is simple – create a piece of content that does just that. If you can add another point that has not already been covered this is a bonus and will add extra value to your content.

    Is Word Count a Ranking Factor?

    Yes, but it is not the be-all-and-end-all. If your content is considerably shorter than pages ranking higher, then an extension to your content may help your cause. Articles appearing on the first page of search results will not have filler content, instead, every sentence serves a purpose.

    Consider your areas for improvement and whether your content serves its purpose and fully answers the query of the user. While having a lower word count than a competitor on its own may not be the reason why your page ranks lower, it is one of the best signals that we have.

    Content is More Than Words

    When we talk about content, our minds immediately consider text but that would be wrong. Images and videos can also be ranking factors if they serve a purpose to the audience. Images and graphics, such as infographics and videos that add value to the text will be picked up by search engines and help your page to rank higher.

    Additionally, it is also worth noting that images can be accompanied by keywords (added in a section called Alt Text), which helps search engines identify the picture. This can help your website’s images to appear in image results on search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.

    While there is no magic rule for how much content your website should have, you should make sure that it answers all of your audience’s questions. If it doesn’t, you can guarantee that your competitors will.

    Dated: Jun 24 2020

    Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 3 seconds

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